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  • Technologies: Flutter,
  • Industry: E-Commerce, Music
  • Category: technical support Web Application E-Commerce Hybrid Application Android iOS
  • Project Year: 2020

How It Works

After experiences from involvement in a number of nursing homes, where we have seen how the song resonates with the elderly, it became incumbent upon the power to seek and contribute to what song and music can do gain an even more central place within this field. On this background developed music therapy colleagues Marianne Graff and the undersigned, Trine Lise Aasheim, the training program Gjenklang, inspired by the experiences we had gained, and those many wonderful people we had met. Marianne ended the collaboration in 2017. Reverberation was projected in Meld. St. 15 (2017-2018) Live your whole life - A reform for the elderly. Here they write on page 137, in the chapter on environmental treatment: "Gjenklang is a training initiative for the use of singing in the company of people with dementia. IN Songdalen municipality actively uses song and music as an environmental measure for nursing home residents, day center and care homes. Gjenklang will contribute to good times for residents and patients. Two music therapists have found songs that the older generation learned by heart the school. They have sung the songs on CD, at a tempo and tone that suits the elderly. The song facilitates conversations about memories that come up. The music therapists have training for staff at the workplace, where they show how employees can use this as a tool, even if they don't want or dare to sing themselves"